Rainbows vs Reality
Rainbows vs Reality
by Laurence Shorter
Gazing at a rainbow recently with my kids, it occurred to me that rainbows are a great example of something that is obviously both …
Gazing at a rainbow recently with my kids, it occurred to me that rainbows are a great example of something that is obviously both …
Asklepieion, Kos
In the middle of my long convalescence in 2017 from a shattered right foot, I went to the island of Kos in …
I think I suffer from a form of physical dyslexia
In the olden golden days as a carpenter’s apprentice, I spent …
I have a strong drive to join things up. Some people like fixing electronic equipment or vintage …
The only way I’ve found that works consistently to generate an idea is to have no idea. This is harder than …
Dreams occasionally visit us to leave behind their lovely or frightening traces, so it is not surprising that dreams can make their way into …
Written by an educationalist in response to a question from a young, unemployed man who was feeling super demotivated and stuck. He …
Anonymous Dreams 22 is a wartime arts project set up by a Russian national known simply as Sonya. The aim of Sonya’s project is to interpret the …
The statement, “Anyone can be an author”, seems to me parallel to the statement, “Anyone can sing”. At college, a fellow student …