
When you grow up…
When you grow up… By Ellie-May Donegan We all get hit with that age-old question… When you grow up, what do you want to be?! A farmer, an artist! I want to teach literacy I want to try and save the bumble bees! A choreographer, scientist, a dustbin man! A professional footballer with tons of […]

Is It What It Is
Is It What It Is ? by Fredrik Lloyd I think I suffer from a form of physical dyslexia In the olden golden days as a carpenter’s apprentice, I spent a few days alone cutting out the grand designs of a wooden floor, only to have it pointed out that the pattern I had cut, […]

Aniela Clitan – Poet
Aniela writes prose, poetry and essays in both English and Romanian, her native language. Her professional background is in psychotherapy and expressive therapies. She has practised these therapies in New Zealand, where she lived for 16 years. […]

Dances in Damanhur
by Aniela Clitan
We danced like melted chocolate that nightin Damanhur. Like streams of dream which flow with purpose, we gathered in the Labyrinth and prayed […]

Emmanuel Aronie Poems
At a time of war, pain, sorrow and living with the unknown, Emmanuel Aronie lives without fear. He has no complaints. Asked why he came to Ukraine last August, he says he just felt inspired to come to Ukraine with the intention of supporting the people and their culture against Russian imperialism. […]
Coffee, Medium Double
by Daphne Alexopoulou
Coffee grains swirl around the cup
and up the sides patterns are forming.
Now we wait, we have to do it right.
Mysterious runes, my future
and my past, marks of joy, […]
The Wisdom of the Birds
by Daphne Alexopoulou
The ravens know, annoying as they are,
loudly displaying their disapproval all day
adding their cries to our growing unease
from the happy treetops of our suburban paradise.
The rainbow lorikeets sound happy
but then, I don’t speak bird. […]
Fredrik Lloyd Poetry
Fredrik Lloyd Poetry THE HILL Consisted of a collection of writings by Fredrik, which were based on recorded interviews on the subject of local rumours and hearsay. The aim was to show the need for local myths and legends in order to have a developed sense of belonging to the place you live. The Hill […]