Aniela Clitan – Poet
Aniela writes prose, poetry and essays in both English and Romanian, her native language. Her professional background is in psychotherapy and expressive therapies. She has practised these therapies in New Zealand, where she lived for 16 years.
Since moving back to Europe, Aniela has started publishing both prose and poetry. Some of her work can be found in Timpul (The Time) literary magazine (edition from Republic of Moldova), the flash-fiction platform Laconic and Spirit of Change Magazine.

A Brief Encounter
by Aniela Clitan
I woke up in the night,
Wistful and bare.
The house smelled of fish.
I sat down
With my scattered mind
Until I grew tired of chasing my own thoughts.
So, I stepped gently in the space
Between words.
I placed last night’s
wine glass in the sink.
Just then,
I caught a glimpse of my being,
Searching for me also.
I remembered enjoying my dinner.
Just now,
I opened the window
And my being
Into the fresh air.