Fredrik Lloyd in Oslo
Fredrik Lloyd at Oslo Group Exhibition
Oslo Open in Galleri Sagene Kunstsmie
Sunday 23 April 2023 12:00–17:00
“I AM PERFECT” graphic design by Fredrik Lloyd
Sunday 23 April 2023 12:00–17:00
The ravens know, annoying as they are,
loudly displaying their disapproval all day
adding their cries to our growing unease
from the …
Here is a new bio, this time to come from Canada published by the author, sub-titled ‘The River of …
I never possessed the desire to be a writer. I was not even a reader, my limited literary recreation advancing no further than Sherlock …
The statement, “Anyone can be an author”, seems to me parallel to the statement, “Anyone can sing”. At college, a fellow student …
It’s shocking that a woman was arrested in Iran for not covering her hair properly. And abhorrent, that the woman was allegedly beaten to death …
I started out writing letters home to friends and family whilst I was living with my parents in Latin America. It was a lonely year, I …
In early December 1990 I went to visit our doctor for a routine check-up. As he was passing his hands over my stomach …
Consisted of a collection of writings by Fredrik, which were based on recorded interviews on the subject of local rumours and hearsay. The aim was …
Unfortunately for Ukraine, it finds itself geopolitically caught between superpowers vying for influence. Not only is it the largest European country, it’s the fourth …